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Fertilization is an essential part of any comprehensive lawn care plan. Why is fertilization so important? To put it simply, fertilizers provide your lawn with the nutrients needed to produce strong roots and grasses. Not only is a well-fertilized lawn healthier and greener, it is also far better at preventing weed infestation, disease, and drought. And as an added bonus, healthy lawns give back to the environment by producing oxygen, cooling the air during hot weather, and trapping and absorbing urban dust and pollution. With your lawn’s nutrition in mind, Weed Man Baie-Comeau uses a proprietary high percentage slow-release, granular fertilizer blended with the latest slow release technology. Our premium, golf course-quality mixture feeds your lawn by giving it a boost from the get go, and continually feeding it over the following few weeks to months (only when it needs it by releasing a small, steady amount of nutrients over time). This allows grass plants to feed for an extended period, rather than feast all at once and thus is more environmentally friendly. Sure, you can buy granular fertilizer off the shelves of your nearest home store, but that doesn’t mean you will achieve the results you want. A do-it-yourself lawn care project won’t help you set up your spreader, figure out how much product to apply and when, or do a proper clean-up. Weed Man Baie-Comeau can help take the guesswork out of fertilization while giving your lawn access to the best product available on the market. Combined with proper mowing , watering , core aeration and weed control (and in the absence of disease and insect problems), Weed Man’s fertilization service will provide a healthy lawn all season long.WEED MAN’S PREMIUM PRODUCTS
Our custom fertilizer blend is made with a combination of essential nutrients (namely nitrogen and potassium). Nitrogen aids in plant growth and helps keep grass looking green and healthy. Potassium, on the other hand, increases weather hardiness and resistance to disease and drought. Weed Man also fills the bag with other micronutrients, such as sulfur or magnesium with very little filler. Store-bought fertilizer, on the other hand, contains a lot of rock filler with no value to the plant.